Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The 401(k) Rollover - Ask A Common Sense Question

At Income For Life, we often meet with near-retirees or retirees that have a 401(k) - or other form of Defined Contribution plan - that they are considering rolling into their own personal IRA.

What some do not realize, though, is that the decision of WHEN to move this asset is not nearly as important as the decision of WHERE to move this asset.

Here is what I mean:

  • Let's say are are at retirement age and you have a 401(k) plan that has been accumulating (hopefully) for many years that you want to convert into a retirement income plan because you do not have a corporate pension plan to fall back on, so your retirement plan is now on your own shoulders. As you begin to research different firms to help you with this effort, you are 'wooed' by their gourmet dinner events, their mahogany desks and their ability to use fancy financial terms, charts & graphs.

But here is the 'common sense' question to ask them:

  • "Is the plan you are offering me guaranteed against market losses - and is my income guaranteed to last my entire life?"

Common sense says this is an important question, correct?  If they cannot answer 'YES' to both - you should walk away.

When you retire, what will you no longer receive?  A paycheck - so it must be replaced.

Would you like it to be guaranteed for LIFE - and protected from stock market losses?  Absolutely.

Would you like to still be able to participate in the market gains, though?  You bet.

Guess what:  You can.  Call my office to discuss your 401(k) rollover - in a common sense way.

Matt Nelson, president and host of Income For Life Radio
877-284-8929 toll free

Friday, October 3, 2014

Income For Life Radio - Listen In! Online Podcasts!

Income For Life Radio is taking the airwaves by storm!
Check it out today at for past shows!

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Matt Nelson, president and host of Income For Life Radio
877-284-8929 toll free